Our Approach
Community engagement in resilience science typically relies on expert-driven approaches. This limits the process to the expert’s view. The Rural Confluence team will be led by community member input. Key issues for the community will be our focus and working alongside the community will lead to new insights, an increased trust in science, and community-customized action plans for resilience.
Aim 1: Co-develop Conceptual Framework within Communities
Researchers will co-develop goals, priorities and a conceptual framework which will lead to climate resilience action plans tailored for the community.
Aim 2: Develop Long-term Forecasts of Local Climate Impacts
Ecosystem services, drought monitoring, population changes and flood impacts are just a few of the data sets researchers will use to identify ways that climate change might impact the community in the future.
Aim 3: Develop Action Plans
Researchers will leverage knowledge gained from community members in Aim 1 and data gathered in Aim 2 to assist communities in developing strategies and action plans to build climate resilience for their communities.
Aim 4: Expand STEM Participation and Workforce Development
Researchers will work within the local schools to develop Communities of Practice for K-12 and post secondary educators for climate curriculum; rural scholars will be embedded into the communities and we will work with local industry leaders to develop certificate or micro-credential programs directly related to the community.